Association's Statute (PDF, Polish)
Reports database (external website, Polish)
International Bureau for Epilepsy
Departments of the Association:
- Lodz Department of the Polish Association for People Suffering from Epilepsy
Sikorskiego 30 lok. 62, 95-035 Ozorków
Tel./fax: +48 42 277 17 73
E-mail: biuro@pslcnp.pl
Warsztat Terapii Zajęciowej
Kościuszki 31, 95-035 Ozorków
Tel.: +48 42 277 17 73
E-mail: biuro@pslcnp.pl
Ośrodek Wsparcia Społecznego Osób Niepełnosprawnych
Kościuszki 31, 95-035 Ozorków
Tel.: +48 42 277 17 73
E-mail: biuro@pslcnp.pl
- Club of the Polish Association for People Suffering from Epilepsy
Hetmańska 52 lok. 27
58-316 Wałbrzych
Tel.: +48 791 730 217
We ask all institutions and all people with the good will for financial support in our service in favour of 400 thousand people suffering from epilepsy. We do not obtain any permanent subsidy from the Polish government or the local authorities. Please lodge all donation and gift on the bank account:
Bank account:
PKO BP SA I/O Białystok nr:
65 1020 1332 0000 1402 0026 0729