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Polskie Stowarzyszenie Ludzi Cierpiących na Padaczkę
Wersja polska KRS: 0000018369
(Court Register Number)



More about the Association

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Association's Statute (PDF, Polish)

Reports database (external website, Polish)



International Bureau for Epilepsy

Departments of the Association:



 Polish Association for People Suffering from Epilepsy is a public benefit organization in Poland


               LOGO Polish Association for People Suffering from Epilepsy                      

                          LOGO of public  benefit  organizations in Poland                                                                     

Pastoral Blessing of President of Conference of the Polish Episcopate
His Excellency Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki

The aim of the Association is to give help to people suffering from epilepsy in all life matters, to initiate and organise the mutual aid in aspiration for a normal functioning in the society and to secure care and legal help for them.

The Association realises its aims through:

The co-operation with organs of authorities, government and self-government administration, health-care institutions, economic institutions and domestic and foreign organisations.

The help in obtaining the employment and the influence the proper relations of the employers towards the employees - persons suffering from epilepsy.

The giving help to its members in solution of every day matters and the co-operation in organisation of social and cultural activities.

The organisation of the member mutual aid aiming to join the people suffering from epilepsy, counteracting the feeling of resignation, worthlessness, loneliness, helplessness, etc.

The conducting of permanent propaganda work - teaching the whole society by the help of the mass media, aiming to mould correct attitudes towards people suffering from epilepsy.

The initiating of research and legislative work regarding life and existence conditions of people suffering from epilepsy.

The disclosure and aiming to liquidation of social, organisation and other barriers making normal functioning of people suffering from epilepsy in the society more difficult.

The elaboration of model solutions the man suffering from epilepsy to can have access to different posts (jobs) according to predisposition of people suffering from epilepsy beginning from different forms of education and teaching and ending with employment.

The securing the systematic care for people suffering from epilepsy with special taking into consideration the children and the youth.

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Polish Association for People Suffering from Epilepsy

15-482 Białystok ul. Fabryczna 57 (XI P.)

tel/fax: 85 - 675 44 20tel: 85 - 654 57 51

KRS: 0000018369,  NIP:  542-19-52-019,  REGON: 050324347


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